USA Complains At PF Cadres’ Use Of Their National Flag In Political Violence

The United States Embassy in Zambia has issued a complaint against the Patriotic Front (PF) as their cadres have been seen to utilise the national flag of the U.S. when carrying out political violence.

The Embassy have condemned the use of their national flag by PF cadres, especially its use by Innocent Kalimanshi who has been known to utilise the material for his violent activities.

The complaint by the embassy comes only days after a United Party for National Development (UPND) member was killed in Ndola by a violent PF cadre.

News released onto the UPND’s Facebook page stated that the UPND member was murdered by “known PF cadres in Ndola’s Twapia area”.

Issues arose when the death was reported by the Zambia Police as well as the government as the death of a PF member, spreading fake news around the internet.

The statement on the UPND Facebook described the incident as follows:

What transpired is that a group of boys comprising both PF and UPND members were drinking beer together when an argument started amongst the PF members. In the course of the argument, a fight started and it was the UPND member who tried to rescue the person who was being beaten in the fiasco and who eventually managed to run away.

To the surprise of the onlookers, the same man who had run for his life, came back with a knife which he then used to stab the UPND member in the neck. Our member became unconscious and was rushed to the nearest police station where he died.

Photo: Zambia Watchdog

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