Guy Scott Condemns Tribalism In Tribute To KK

Former Acting President Guy Scott has issued a statement paying tribute to the late Founding President Kenneth Kaunda, describing the country’s first democratic leader as “an inspiration” and “one of the continent’s greatest political figureheads”. 

In his statement, Dr Scott recalled meeting KK as a schoolboy and praised his efforts on the frontline of ending apartheid in Southern Africa, which he said “cannot be overstated”. 

The former vice president also took aim at the regrettable proliferation of tribalism in Zambia, particularly among political parties, which he said makes a mockery of KK’s legacy of ‘One Nation, One Zambia’. 

“Above all, we all know that Dr Kaunda detested tribalism, we must emulate his example in this regard, and give no room to the use of tribalism as a political instrument,”Dr Scott said. 

It comes amidst increasing reports of tribalism exhibited by political players in the lead up to August’s general elections. Last week, Patriotic Front spokesperson and former leader of the National Democratic Congress Chishimba Kambwili told radio stations in Mkushi and Serenje that voters should not support United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema because he is a Tonga. 

The comments have attracted severe criticism from across the political spectrum, not least because the UPND has recently elected its most diverse leadership team ever, with representatives from across all tribes and all ten of Zambia’s provinces.

In response to such shocking displays of tribalism, Dr Scott has called on Zambians to join together - particularly at such a time of national mourning. 

“We will not be alone as we mourn. People across the world will be mourning his loss and joining us in prayer. As Zambians we appreciate their support at this difficult time,” he said. 

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