KK’s Family Unhappy With Government Decision To Tour His Body

Sources close to Founding President Kenneth Kaunda’s family have revealed their disbelief at the government’s decision to tour Dr Kaunda’s dead body around the country.

The decision, made by the Patriotic Front, has been questioned as the Kaunda family were not consulted before announcing a full programme of visits, touring all ten provinces within the country.

Kauna’s family are expected to send a Protest Letter to the government over its decision to move the Founding President’s body across the country.

Adding to this, the Kaunda family have revealed their upset at the government’s decision to bury the body at Embassy Park, going against Dr Kaunda’s wishes to be buried next to his wife, Betty, at State Lodge.

“The government also did not consult them [KK’s family] on burying at Embassy Park. So the family will today send Secretary to the Cabinet Simon Miti a Protest Letter demanding that they honour KK’s wish to be buried next to his wife,” the source said.

This will come as no surprise to the government, as Zambian historian and political commentator Sishuwa Sishuwa tweeted only yesterday that it is not the wish of Kaunda’s family to take his coffin around the 10 provinces of Zambia. Dr Sishuwa said that the move appeared to a move by President Lungu’s government to utilise KK’s death for their own political gain, with the country-wide tour giving them an opportunity to campaign across the country against their own advice.

Adding insult to injury, Democratic Party leader Harry Kalaba has also written an Open Letter to President Edgar Lungu to advise him to reconsider the decision to tour the body of the Founding President.

“The processions will be turned into COVID-19 super-spreader events as people will want to view the body or at least get as close as possible to the hearse,” he said.

“In view of the above, I am requesting that you reconsider your decision of taking out late Presidents remains countrywide in the interest of saving lives as well as to preserve the little resources left in our coffers. I humbly request that you spend the funds you intend to move the casket around the country to instead utilise to procure more oxygen which our hospitals badly need,” the letter continued.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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