Late Chief Justice’s Body Arrives Back In Zambia

The body of late Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima has arrived in Zambia after her passing on Sunday in Cairo, Egypt.

Several individuals were on hand to receive the body, including Acting Chief Justice Michael Musonda, President Judge of the Concourt Hildah Chibwila and Egyptian Ambassador to Zambia Ahmed Mostafa. Family members were also in attendance.

The hearse carrying the body was escorted to the Ideal funeral parlour by military police vehicles. The body will remain there until the burial day which is due to be preceded by a valedictory ceremony and a funeral church service at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross at 10am on June 26th.

Acting Chief Justice has said that the death is a loss to both the nation and the African continent, adding that Chief Justice Mambilima will not be easy to replace due to the long list of achievements she had during her time as a lawyer.

Her most recent trip to Cairo in Egypt was carried out as part of her efforts to see how the judiciary could improve in the delivery of service systems to the country within Zambia. She travelled to the north African country just 10 days before her passing.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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