ECZ Cancels Elections In Three Constituencies, PF Encourages More

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has cancelled three Parliamentary Elections and one Ward Election on August 12.

The elections have been cancelled in Mandevu, Lusaka Central and Mpulungu constituencies, including the Kamakonde ward.

In a statement released to the media, the ECZ outlined that the cancellations followed the death of Zambians United for Sustainable Development parliamentary candidate for Mandevu constituency.

“In the event of the death of a candidate after the nomination process, the law requires the cancellation of elections and this calls for fresh nominations for eligible candidates,” the statement read.

Alongside the death, three candidates have also withdrawn, causing the elections to be cancelled in these constituencies in line with the law, and re-nomination opened up.

Anyone who puts forward a new nomination will have to put forward another nomination fee. This has raised questions as to why an additional fee is necessary for those who have already paid, with subsequent questions asking where the money is going to within the ECZ.

The Patriotic Front (PF) have also urged the ECZ to cancel an additional election in Monze Central where independent candidate Mambo Musunte has withdrawn his nomination.

PF Media Director Antionio Mwanza stated that “the opposition has put the country in a mess by maintaining such a bad law.” However, he seems to fail to understand that it is the job of the ruling PF to uphold and maintain the rule of law within the country, rather than that of the opposition.

Photo: Lusaka Times

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