Death of Chief Justice Mambilima painful – President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says the passing away of Chief Justice Irene Mambilima has left the nation in shock as her death was unexpected.

President Lungu says the death of Mrs. Mambilima is even more painful that she was stricken and departed while away from home and family.

Speaking during the State funeral service for the late Chief Justice at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka today, the Head of State noted that the death of Justice Mambilima is heart breaking as she was fine when she left the country for Egypt on official duties.

“The nation has been gripped with shock and owe for the past one month. We have lost His Excellency, Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, our founding father of this great nation Zambia, and before we could come to terms with this huge loss, we lose another great Zambian Her Ladyship the Chief Justice,” President Lungu observed.

President Lungu stated that when he received the information of the Chief Justice of being unwell, he directed responsible departments to ensure that the Chief Justice was flown back home, including sending an aircraft and an air ambulance unfortunately that was not to be and she died.

The President further indicated that the death of Justice Mambilima is a heavy burden to him, on government and the people of Zambia.

“Indeed, a dark cloud is hanging on Zambia. We have lost great people in a very short space of time. We have lost former ministers, businessmen, health workers including, doctors and ordinary people we might not call VIPs but indeed they all matter to me,” he said.

The Head of State added, “I might not have personally met you, but if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, I grieve with you. My sympathies to you. Just yesterday, I lost a Permanent Secretary, a man of God in the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs. But God I know you are there. You have not abandoned us. You have not abandoned our nation. We are a Christian nation and we know you will answer our prayers. Like job in the Holy Bible, Lord, I say blessed be your name! Blessed be your name.”

And President Lungu noted that in Justice Mambilima, the nation has lost an icon of justice and a leading jurist stating that at the same time, the country has been left with a living memory of a true defender of the rule of law.

The President added that Justice Mambilima served her country with diligence and impeccable integrity for forty-four years in both public service including the justice sector and that she lived a life of service right to the very end.

“The lady to be interred today is a great example, especially among our girls, that you young ladies can be whatever you want to be if you put your mind to it. Irene Mambilima was a girl raised in a humble community in Lusaka at a time when the girl-child was disadvantaged as far as education was concerned but she eluded those stereotypes, excelled at secondary school, studied law at university and rose to the highest office of the judiciary,” President Lungu noted.

The President hinted that many people may have come to know about Justice Mambilima when she chaired the Electoral Commission of Zambia, and presided over the presidential and general elections in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

He noted the elections were hard fought for elections but Justice Mambilima’s experience and exemplary character prevailed saying no wonder she became the first Zambian female chief justice in February, 2015.

The Head of State further asked God Almighty to provide major Mambilima and the family, and all who knew the Chief Justice the solace and fortitude to bear the painful loss as she was a wife, mother, grandmother and guardian to many.

He also thanked the President of Egypt Abdel Al-sisi, on behalf of the Zambian people, the judiciary and on his behalf for the assistance rendered.

“May I take this opportunity, on behalf of the judiciary and the people of Zambia, and indeed on my own behalf, to convey our deepest gratitude to his Excellency, Abdel Fattah Al-sisi, President of the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and their justices at the supreme constitutional court of Egypt for assistance rendered,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chairperson for the Judicial Complaints Authority William Nyirenda said the late Chief Justice Irene Mambilima was an eloquent, thoughtful, accommodating judge but very firm.

He stated that the calmness of Justice Mambilima was always positively infectious, a rare quality in leadership which is worth emulating.

“Zambia has lost a pillar in a girl child counsel and model, a pillar in justice dispensation,” Mr. Nyirenda stressed.

And Resident Reverend for Dutch Reformed Church, Kabulonga congregation, Reverend Moses Zulu during the homily described the late Chief Justice as a selfless woman who loved God in the midst of challenges.

He further encouraged the family to continue trusting God in all things.

The burial service for Mrs. Mambilima was preceded by tributes from children, family and friends.

The Chief Justice who died on 20th June, 2021 in Cairo in Egypt is being put to rest today at Leopard’s Hill Memorial Park and is survived by her husband Retired Major Joseph Mambilima, five children and grandchildren.

This article originally appeared on Lusaka Times

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