NDC Media Director Detained

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Media Director Emmanuel Malite was yesterday detained at Luanshya central police. It has been reported that he was charged with libel following his appeal to President Lungu to remove Chishimba Kambwili from the campaigns over allegations that the former minister has been championing tribalism. 

According to the NDC Media Department, Malite last week said “please am appealing to you [President Lungu] withdraw Chishimba Kambwili from campaigning for you and the PF, he has gone on a rampage crusade of tribal remarks.” 

Malite is expected to be transferred to Lusaka today. He has received visits from various NDC and UPND members, with the NDC participating in the UPND Alliance in the upcoming elections 

UPND Presidential aide Mubita Nawa, who has also faced recent arrest and detention, is among those to speak out on the arrest, as is UPND Presidential spokesperson Anthony Bwalya who writes “I stand in solidarity and friendship with Mr. Emmanuel Malite, NDC media director, following his frivolous arrest and unnecessary detention by the police on the Copperbelt. His crime is that of standing with the people.” 

Malite is not alone in raising concerns regarding the tribal nature of Kambwili’s comments on the campaign trail. The UPND Secretary General has submitted an official complaint to the ECZ on the matter. 

“Inciting tribal hatred against anyone for the purpose of an election is a criminal offense that carries a prison sentence of 1 year. What the Patriotic Front are doing through the horrible sentiments coming from Chishimba Kambwili is not only unfair, but it is tribal, illegal and it is against the law” UPND Alliance Media Director Thabo Kawana has stated. 

Malite’s arrest follows the publication of a report by worldwide human rights organisation Amnesty International earlier this week that accused President Lungu’s government of facilitating an “increasingly brutal crackdown on human rights” in the last five years. The NGO said this rising authoritarianism has been characterised by attacks on opposition parties, restrictions on freedom of expression and an increase in police and extrajudicial killings.  

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