UNZA Urges Lungu To Address Nation On Covid Plan

University of Zambia (UNZA) lecturer Evans Lampi has urged President Edgar Lungu to make a public statement to address the nation to clearly outline the government’s plan to manage the third wave of COVID-19.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Dr Lampi said that the address would reassure citizens of Zambia that there is a plan in place by the government to stop the spread of COVID-19, something which is yet to be clarified by the current government.

The statement follows a radio silence by President Lungu who is yet to demonstrate faithful leadership to his country as a result of a lack of COVID-19 updates to his country, a virus which is now killing large numbers of individuals across the country.  

“A direct statement from the Head of State gives the message of legitimacy and shows that the leadership takes the spile in deaths seriously,” Dr Lampi said.

Comparing the country’s response to that in South Africa, he said “This [an address by the president] is not unique as the current spike in South Africa has prompted their President to direct address the nation on new measures and reiterate the need to adhere to COVID-19 measures.”

The statement finished by Dr Lampi commenting that the government is not dealing with the situation with enough urgency and, if this doesn’t change, then the country may experience a death toll beyond comprehension.

This is not the first time that individuals have spoken out on President Lungu’s lack of transparency over the government’s plan to solve a rise in COVID-19 cases. Only last week the former Vice President of the Zambia Medical Association, Charlges Ngoma, asked President Lungu to lead the country and keep citizens up to date daily on issues surrounding COVID-19.

Photo: The Mast

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