No Zambian Should Go To Bed Hungry – HH

Newly elected President Hakainde Hichilema has said that under his government citizens will have three decent meals a day.

Speaking during his inauguration on Tuesday, Mr Hichilema outlined the plans which his government has during their time in power, referring to the economy, joblessness and corruption within the country.

“To the jobless youths, a new dawn is here where you will be skilled and find opportunity to work or do business in an economy that we will revive,” Mr Hichilema stated.

The majority of the President’s speech focused on the economy and issues which it had experienced over the past few years.

“We said Bally and team will fix our economy, but we will do more than that, we will grow our economy so that we can lift more people out of poverty than ever before,” the President added.

Subsequently, Mr Hichilema stated that he hopes to ensure that “No Zambian should go to bed hungry,” under his presidency.

During his inauguration speech Mr Hichilema also thanked his predecessor for facilitating a smooth transition to power, stating that “democracy is the way to go – for Zambia, the people of Africa and the world.”

The inauguration finished by President Hichilema releasing hundreds of balloons into the sky. Previously doves had been used however for President Lungu’s inauguration the birds failed to fly.

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