President Hichilema Aims To Nurture US – Zambia Relations

President Hakainde Hichilema has stated that relations between Zambia and the United States of America need to be nurtured to ensure a successful future between the two nations.

During his visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly later this month, President Hichilema received a courtesy call from the United States Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Young at State House on Wednesday.

Speaking during the visit, President Hichilema outlined the importance of nurturing and preserving the longstanding relationship between the two nations to maintain mutual benefits going forward.

Mr Young responded in saying that the US was ready to engage the Hichilema’s government in bilateral talks to discuss the possibilities of unlocking an increasing amount of development support for the country in agriculture, health, promotion of democracy as well as COVID-19 response mechanisms.

Hichilema also stated that he hoped to utilise the upcoming United Nations General Assembly to demonstrate the new administration’s commitment to climate change, poverty, COVID-19, migration and human trafficking.

The newly-appointed president’s stance on aforementioned issues is a positive change from the previous administration. Under President Lungu the country saw a decline of human rights within the country, whilst the COVID-19 pandemic worsened under his mis-managed response to the virus.

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