Job Creation Is Number One Priority - HH

President Hakainde Hichilema has reiterated that his administration’s number one priority is job creation, with matters such as amendments to the constitution taking a back seat to revitalising Zambia’s stagnant economy. 

Speaking to members of the Our Civic Duty Association (OCIDA) in Lusaka on Thursday, President Hichilema said  a constitutional review process would be taking place, and that the exercise would be consultative, unlike the drafting of the infamous Bill 10.

However, the president was clear that his election victory was largely down to the votes of young people and that his administration had to deliver on the priorities which were important to them as well as to the wider economy. 

“We have put in place expeditious plans for jobs, business opportunities, education and quality health care services for all and in a matter of time, this will be actualised,” he said.

HH told OCIDA - which promotes good governance and is largely made up of senior citizens - that after this plan for jobs his government has made clear the need to set up a truly independent electoral body. 

He added that he would also instigate consultations into ambiguous areas of the constitution, such as the clauses which allowed twice-elected President Edgar Lungu to run for a third term in office this year. This, he said, would be clarified to ensure that any president can only serve two terms in office. 

Nevertheless, the president was adamant that “top on our agenda is now job creation, business opportunities, education and quality health care services for all and paramount to these also is the lowering of the cost of living.” 

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