ACC Charge Former Minister of Home Affairs

Stephen Kampyongo, former Minister of Home Affairs, has been arrested on allegations of corruption following an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). His wife Wanziya has also been charged.

On Thursday, ACC spokesperson Timothy Moono confirmed the arrests and that both had been released on bond. The arrest came less than 24 hours after the arrest of former Health Minister Dr Chilufya was confirmed by authorities. Last week saw a flurry of ACC activity as the Government attempts to deliver on its campaign promise to end graft.

Kampyongo’s arrest relates to the ownership of property worth an estimated K29 million ($1.8m) suspected to be the proceeds of crime. All alleged properties are located in Lusaka.

The Minister’s wife, Wanziya, is a government Civil Servant, working as the chief planner at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Arts, and is accused of further illegal holdings.

In a statement, the ACC confirmed: "She further possessed K1,382,513.84 and K1,200,000.00 in two separate bank accounts held Indo Zambia Bank. The value of the above properties in possession of Wanziya exceed the verified sources of income."

Both accused have denied the charges and Kampyongo has assured his supporters that his conscience is clear.

In June, Kampyongo and five others were cleared of accusations that they had criminally endangered an aircraft as insufficient evidence was brought by the prosecution.

Image via Lusaka Times

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