CDF Increase Demonstrates Our Commitment to the People - HH

The commitment to increased funding for Constituency Development Funds (CDF) in the 2023 National Budget has been highlighted by President Hichilema as a clear demonstration that the government is committed to providing development funding for all Zambian people.

Historic development has taken place asymmetrically in Zambia, with greater resources going towards urban centres often leaving rural peripheries marginalised. Through a number of measures, such as the commitment to K.1.1 billion in spending on health facilities and the increase in the CDF, the New Dawn administration is attempting to bring those on the periphery to reap the benefits of public spending.

Visiting Western Province for the Western Province Trade Tourism and Investment Expo, the President assured constituents that the government is committed to ensuring they do not continue to lag behind in development. The province is currently the poorest in the country.

Hichilema was responding to concerns raised by Ngambela Mukela Mayando regarding the poor state of the roads in the province. The 2023 national budget commits to a 10% increase in CDF allocation to each constituency to K28.3 million.

In addition to this, the government is increasing the budget spending on the Social Cash Transfer Programme, designed to help the most vulnerable in society, by 19.8%.

Image via Twitter @HHichilema

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