Two Former Public Servants Charged by ACC Over $5m USD Property Purchase

The Anti-Corruption Commission have arrested two former public servants over irregularities in government procurement dating back to 2017.

The former Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Charles Mushota, and the former Chief Procurement and Supplies Officer, Dorothy Katongo, have both been arrested for offences relating to the purchase of Infrastructure House.

The pair have been charged with five counts of wilful failure to comply with applicable law, contrary to Section 34 (2)b of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2012, during the purchase of Stand No. 237 United Nations Avenue, Longacres, known as Infrastructure House

The property was bought through the ministry from Zamworth Construction, at a cost of $5.35m USD.

No clearance for the purchase was given from the Government Valuation Department, nor did they establish an Evaluation Committee to appraise the purchase.

The pair are also charged with three counts of giving false information to a public officer. All counts relate to instances in which letters were authored to ministers and civil servants falsely representing the certainty and assurances given by other ministries in order that the deal could be pushed through. For example on January 3, 2017, Mr Mushota wrote to the Director General of the Zambia Public Procurement Authority, stating that the Ministry of Finance had confirmed the availability of funds when it was not to do so for a further two months.

The pair have been released on bond but are expected to appear in court soon.

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