New Dawn Government: “We Will Never Again Default”

Felix Mutati, Technology and Science Minister, has stated that the government is committed to ensuring that Zambia will never again default on its loan obligations.

The Minister made the announcement during the annual Money Summit.

The Summit brings together Africa’s leading financial, corporate and entrepreneurial experts to share their financial knowledge.

Mr Mutati outlined that Zambia is over the worst of it with the New Dawn government committed to sustainable growth in all sectors.

He stated, “We are saying money must be spent on priorities that change people’s lives unlike being wasteful. It must be invested to transform the people’s lives.”

Further, “On the other end, unless the private sector makes money, government will not make money. It is for this reason we have put a framework that enables the private sector to make money, hence stabilizing the exchange rate and inflation. When the exchange rate and inflation is stable, the private sector can then make profits.”


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