Zambia Invited to International Investment Forum in Paris

Representatives from Zambia have been invited to the Africa Investment Forum and Awards in 2023.

The event, scheduled for February 7, is designed to establish and grow linkages between European capital and African nations.

Alick Banda, of the Zambian embassy in Paris, noted; " “Our Country is on the fast lane to develop, we really want to take part in such developmental forums and take advantage of every opportunity to enable us get the development we need”. 

The New Dawn government has made developing foreign investment crucial to its economic policy. Economic growth is required in the country in order to pay back its foreign debts and raise the standard of living. President Hichilema wishes for Zambia to be a middle income country.

The nation's S&P credit rating was upgraded in February of this year as falling interest rates, and a rapidly strengthening currency, boosted international confidence in Zambian markets. Already established as a world leading copper producer, and possessing a young, literate, population there are an abundance of investment opportunities in the southern African nation.

The forum is run by League Leaders, a French based international finance company. The League Leaders regional manager, Jean Salager, was keen to emphasise that the forum, as a meeting of growing African nations and interested investors, is "the place to be if you want to establish businesses and create linkages with people in Europe to work in Africa."

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