Sweden Supports President Hichilema's Fight Against Corruption

The Swedish Ambassador to Zambia, Johan Halleborg has recognised President Hichilema’s committed fight against corruption, and pledged support of the cause.

While meeting with the Permanent Secretary for the Northern Province Bernard Mpundu, he said that the issue of corruption had been hampering Zambia’s development as a country and that Sweden would aid the government in the fight.

Mr Helleborg said the Swedish Government has increased developmental support targeting climate change and other key areas.

This pledge of support comes after President Hichilema met with the Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell. The two discussed aims to strengthen trade between the two countries, improve Zambia’s agricultural resilience, and water harvesting during the present drought.

Sweden has set out international development assistance to Zambia from the period of 2024-2028 with a totally budget of SEK 2.25 billion. 

Sweden’s Strategy report says, “Activities will contribute to improved governance and reduced corruption through greater capacity for responsibility and accountability in public institutions and more effective administration, as well as increased democratic space for civil society and citizens to demand accountability.”


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