Punches Thrown At Diggers vs KPF Rugby Match

Saturday’s match between Kitwe rivals Diggers and KPF at the weekend ended shortly after punches were thrown between players from both teams.  

Diggers were leading the match 15-12 with around 35 minutes left to play when Kabwe referee Ben Phiri was forced to discontinue the game after the violent conduct on pitch.

The scenes are thought to have started following veteran KPF forward Benaya Mukwamba bring brought down by an unidentified young Diggers player.

On seeing the incident, fans mocked the older player which resulted in Benaya advancing forwards and punching the young player, who punched back.

Both players received red cards as a result of the incident.

The match was also not continued following the event, with suspected foul play to follow. 

Following up from the issues raised within the match, the Zambia Rugby Union Communications Manager Cecilia Tresha has made a statement.

“As ZRU we value the ethics of rugby and will not let any team or individual tarnish the sport or indeed bring the name of the sport into dispute,” she said.  

Tresha subsequently commented on the importance of player safety within the sport, as well as ensuring the safety of match officials and spectators.

As a result, of this misconduct she commented that “the disciplinary and Competitions Committee will act on this matter with the seriousness it deserves as soon as all the details from the match officials and clubs are availed.”

Photo: Africanews

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