Government Continues To Crackdown On Freedom Of Speech

Top celebrity photographer Chella Tukuta, has been jailed for supposedly posting defamatory information on his Facebook page.

In 2020 the photographer, whose real name is Cornelius Musonda, posted on Facebook that the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Dora Siliya, was a pimp and a prostitute who was also involved in organising young girls for rich men.

After Siliya took the matter to court, Tukuta was charged with defamation as a result of the Facebook posts and was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

Although the Facebook posts were perhaps an unnecessary addition to Mr Tukuta’s Facebook page, the response which they received has gone far beyond that which is necessary punishment. Currently, in the Penal Code Act, only defamation of the President warrants imprisonment.

As Ms Siliya is a Minister, the penalty which the celebrity photographer has been provided is far greater than the supposed crime which he has committed.

The sentencing comes just months after the government introduced the Cyber Crimes Act, enabling officials to access social media and messaging accounts under the guise of tackling digital crime.

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