Zambians Reject Tribalism On Unity Day

This Unity Day has sparked statements from all quarters rejecting tribalism and reinforcing calls for national unity ahead of the elections scheduled for 12 August 2021.

In particular, there are concerns relating to recent statements by the PF’s Chishimba Kambwili which have attracted heavy criticism for seeking to exploit tribal divisions for political advantage just at the time when the country is mourning its founding President Kenneth Kaunda, who has long been a figurehead for national unity.

Among those concerned by recent trends are Alliance for Community Action (ACA) Executive Director Laura Miti who has reflected on the worrying progression of tribalist tendencies during President Lungu’s time in office.

Reflecting on her previous comments shortly before President Lungu was re-elected to office Miti writes, “While at the time, his [President Lungu’s] deep inclination for tribalism, as a political strategy, was still pretty well masked, that penchant for division of country for his political gain was already high on the issues for which I thought he would be an injurious President.”

“A term of office later, I wish I could say this President proved me wrong. But no! On this Unity Day, on which we are supposed to celebrate our national togetherness, one can only be saddened that the man in the highest office has deliberately stoked tribal embers, seeking to fan them into a fire that burns the very fabric that unites us. A fire that would leave Zambia unrecognisable, but keep him in office,” she continues.

“Gosh, we don't even discuss the travesty of citizens who have been fired and retired from government service in the last 7 years. Retired young and robust for no reason, that can be objectively seen, other than the surnames they carry,” Miti writes.

“On this, the last Unity Day of his term in office, consider this: President Lungu is running a campaign for re-election predicated on suggesting that a whole people are inherently bad. That Tongas, just for being Tonga, are to be feared and hated. I have so often wished that this President's weakness was only in the day-to-day management of the country. Sadly, EL's deepest flaw is in being a President who holds a patent, if covert, doctrine, that Zambia can be sacrificed for his desire to stay in office. No other President was like that,” she concludes.

Meanwhile UPND Alliance presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema has stated, “We must treasure our unity and never take it for granted. This is a time where our unity is at risk as the ugly face of tribalism has awoken as a tool to divide and conquer us. We shall not relent in our fight to ensure we have a unified, prosperous and inclusive Zambia. God bless you all on this Unity Day!”

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